David Day

The Day Group

The Day Group is known for several things: quality of work, quality of relationship, and a reputation for doing what’s right. Since 1995, we’ve helped companies and business leaders close the gap between what they wanted when they started their company and where they are now. 

As an accomplished marketer and brand builder since 1995, David Day knows what it takes to build teams, customers, and businesses. It takes more than just a great product or service. It takes and great team who is continuously growing and learning, a commitment to the overall mission and vision of the company, and a customer experience that is so exceptional it creates lifelong loyalty. 

Throughout his career David has helped countless company leaders to make marketing easier, more effective, and profitable. As an executive coach he has played important roles in helping to define and communicate company mission, vision, and values through focusing on employee and customer experiences and journeys. 

David has authored and built hundreds of marketing and advertising strategies, coached business leaders on issues of change, growth, and strategy, and has written, directed, and voiced, commercial video and audio. His firm possesses multiple advertising and creative awards, including the  Better Business Bureau Torch Award for Ethics in Business in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
“Customer experience is a thing…a very big thing. Actually, it’s so big that most companies should be spending more time and energy on building a culture of customer service and experience than advertising. If you want to build customer loyalty and spend less money doing it, focus on your employees and customers’ experiences.” -David Day

Helping Companies Invest Marketing Dollars Wisely

If you want to grow your business, manage change, or hear about what's possible for the future, we’d love for you to fill out our contact form and one of our brand marketing experts will be in touch.
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