Five Steps to Keep Your Business Moving Forward

Five Steps to Keep Your Business Moving Forward

Sep 18, 2020 by David Day

(Photo for Meet the Robinsons, copyright, Disney 2007) So, you’ve “pivoted.” How’s it going? You got some PPP money. Run out yet? Let me guess: some customers are coming back, but it’s not like it was. You’re doing your best to keep it going under the circumstances. You’ve adjusted your staff, changed their responsibilities, re-worked your product or service and maybe even changed how you advertise. ...

My Favorite Pivots. So Far…

My Favorite Pivots. So Far…

May 13, 2020 by David Day

Everyone’s pivoting, and good for them. I am. If you aren’t, maybe you should be. If you don’t have to, you’re fortunate. But those of us who have or will experience a major downward shift in revenue due to lack of demand for our previous offerings have to get creative.  In truth, it’s actually quite exciting. On one hand, making money by getting my “share of the pie” is fine when there’s pl...

Houston, We Have a Problem.

Houston, We Have a Problem.

May 4, 2020 by David Day

According to Gallup, 62% of Americans are working from home now. That number is double what it was in Mid-March 2020. That’s an astounding figure, and it has broad and deep implications in how business is done moving forward.  But how is that playing out in your world?  It’s been nearly two months since the Covid19 guidelines were issued, and by now you’ve made the work-from-home adjustment and may even be in a...

You Won’t Be the Same.

You Won’t Be the Same.

Apr 28, 2020 by David Day

The Covid 19 pandemic will do one of two things to your company: it will either make you a stronger company or make you a weaker one. The choices and decisions you make now will determine the outcome. But change is coming.   If you’re “pivoting” to accommodate the current business scene, that’s good. Those of us that are moving instead of standing still have a much better chance of success even if we’r...

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