You Won’t Be the Same.

Apr 28, 2020 by David Day

You Won’t Be the Same.

The Covid 19 pandemic will do one of two things to your company: it will either make you a stronger company or make you a weaker one. The choices and decisions you make now will determine the outcome. But change is coming.  

If you’re “pivoting” to accommodate the current business scene, that’s good. Those of us that are moving instead of standing still have a much better chance of success even if we’re moving, for a moment, in the wrong direction. But as I’ve said before, let’s avoid pivoting outside of our DNA. Carpenters don’t need to become retirement planners, but they can sell tools or work in a paint store. 

The breadth and nature of the changes you need to make are still fuzzy at this point, but if you stay in your DNA, the fundamentals will remain relevant. Like a switch from the NFL to Arena Football, the rules are different, the field is different, but blocking and tackling fundamentals still apply.
Ask yourself: What will my industry look like in 3, 6, or 12 months? What about long term? 

What do I need to change now to prepare for what’s coming? What are my customers and clients going to need? How will their world change and how does that affect their doing business with me? How do I need to get my message, my product, my service to them? 

I know it feels a little like guessing, but that’s how this works. That’s planning. That’s strategic. That’s what good companies do. Put it in heavy pencil and build a plan around it. Check it on a regular basis to see if you’re moving in the right direction. Make adjustments and keep going. 

The decisions you make today will determine your success tomorrow. Change is coming. It can either happen to you, or you can make it happen.  

It’s a new DAY. Make it great.

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