Shooting for Success

Sep 1, 2017 by David Day

Shooting for Success
Bland Marketing? Just Add Video.

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you know that video isn’t just for TV anymore. Smart marketers know that to engage an audience, video is unmatched.
In their research, Nielsen found that the consumption of online video in the United States has escalated dramatically in the last 3 years.
Rob Toledo of Pixell77, says , “Video has become an important feature for anyone concerned with SEO, conversion rates, or brand recognition. That’s pretty much everyone.

Sean Rosensteel of Forbes Online says that, based on a study from, most respondents prefer video over white papers, case studies, and even live demos with reps. Pair video with a white paper and a call to action, and you have marketing gold.

Video as part of your marketing content is even more vital when you consider a study by the National Center for BioTechnology Information in the US. It shows the average attention span of an adult is only EIGHT SECONDS! That’s half what it was just 15 years ago.

Video gets attention, increases engagement with your brand, creates brand staying power, and motivates your audience. Here’s why:

1. Images attract the human eye, especially the image of faces. The right words can be engaging, but curiosity compels viewers to click the play button.
2. The motion of video is attention-getting, more so than a still image. It’s intrusive but easy for the viewer to use.
3. Video engages the senses. It conveys sight, sound and emotion. An emotional appeal is tens of times more powerful than facts alone.
4. Video makes it easy to demonstrate your product or service, answering more objections in advance, leading to faster conversion rates or action.
5. Video fills in the mental gaps. Your prospects can read about you, but video allows them to see you in action. It eliminates false pretense and perceptions.

Here’s an example of a video that not only explains the product being sold, but the story behind it…

What’s the best way to incorporate video into your marketing strategy? We can help you with that. Our video producers are ready to assist you with every step, from concept to completion.

call us: 225-295-0111
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