Be Careful When You Pivot.

Be Careful When You Pivot.

Apr 7, 2020 by David Day

Be Careful When You Pivot. Businesses all over the country are “pivoting” to a new economy. That’s a buzz word for changing to remain relevant. If you pivot, be careful. The key is to keep your DNA. Find ways to be consistent and true to who you are as a company while staying relevant. We’ve been saying that your “why” is critical for long term business success. How can you keep your why intact when you p...

Corona Days: What Now?

Corona Days: What Now?

Mar 29, 2020 by David Day

Americans love to work. We love to solve problems, change things, make our mark. Hard work satisfies a longing in us that comes from deep within our soul. It’s in our red, white, and blue blood.  So, what the heck?  A stay at home order? Ok, we will work from home. Problem solved. Except it’s not. We have clients and customers who are also working from home, and they have customers too, who are canceling orders and, ye...

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