Lessons from a Laser Beam

Lessons from a Laser Beam

Oct 1, 2019 by David Day

When I was a kid, I used to play with my grandpa’s magnifying glass. He used it to read the fine print. I used it to, well, to learn important life lessons. After looking at every book or photograph in detail, I got bored.  After all, I was only six, so I did what any industrious six-year old boy would do: I took it outside, beneath the clear, cool Kansas sky. Dry leaves. Sunshine. A magnifying glass: the stuff of adventure! T...

Habitual Success

Habitual Success

Sep 1, 2019 by David Day

As we dive into the New Year, there are thousands of blogs, posts, articles, and books about planning and strategy that you can read that would be really helpful to you and your business. But this isn’t that. Nor is this a blog post about making or keeping New Year’s resolutions, although if I were going to make a resolution, it would be to give up potato chips. I love them, and they hate me. But I keep eating them. So whethe...

Talk is Cheap, But it Can Cost You

Talk is Cheap, But it Can Cost You

Aug 1, 2019 by David Day

If I were to ask 100 people their most important advice on Leadership, I’d get 100 different answers. Perhaps no topic in the world is more common and less understood than Leadership. All 100 answers may be excellent, but none are really ever complete. While we can’t solve that problem here, we can discuss one leadership trait that’s been on my mind: Talk. Words matter. Being aware of your words before you speak them is an...

The Next Thing

The Next Thing

May 1, 2019 by David Day

I’ve sort of been avoiding writing this post. While I want to address my blog followers, friends and clients here in South Louisiana, I also want to be sure that what I write is encouraging and useful for everyone. I confess that I’ve had a tough time getting to that point. The Great Flood of 2016 is an unprecedented time in our marketplace. I personally didn’t flood, but many friends and relatives did. I’ve never seen any...

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