Talk is Cheap, But it Can Cost You

Talk is Cheap, But it Can Cost You

Aug 1, 2019 by David Day

If I were to ask 100 people their most important advice on Leadership, I’d get 100 different answers. Perhaps no topic in the world is more common and less understood than Leadership. All 100 answers may be excellent, but none are really ever complete. While we can’t solve that problem here, we can discuss one leadership trait that’s been on my mind: Talk. Words matter. Being aware of your words before you speak them is an...

Junk Floats

Junk Floats

Sep 1, 2018 by David Day

My friend Brad recently described his business situation to me over a cup of coffee. He said that just 18 months ago, things were really good. He was making very good money, and his company was highly profitable. He had lots of employees, and new business seemed to just happen on its own. His products and services were in high demand, and he charged top dollar for a great product. He had a couple of highly paid key people that were fixtures in ...

The Secret to Productivity - Part 3

The Secret to Productivity - Part 3

May 1, 2018 by David Day

Learning how to slow down and think it through is counter-intuitive for the American worker. In the advertising business, we have to be creative, which is impossible without slowing down and thinking it through. Yes, we’re naturally talented at coming up with ideas and exercising creativity, but truly good creative (we use that word as a noun in our biz) comes from deep, purposeful, critical thought. I do my best work when my hands a...

Marketing Strategy - Real or Counterfeit?

Marketing Strategy - Real or Counterfeit?

Nov 1, 2017 by David Day

I’ve heard that years ago the Department of the Treasury’s Secret Service did not teach their agents (the famed “G-men”) how to identify counterfeit bills—at least not at first. Instead, they would teach them how to identify the real thing. Agents would study the real designs, paper, and ink with painstaking detail so that the tiny nuances that make the banknotes authentic become engrained into their minds. Then...

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