5 Things Marketers Should NOT Do

5 Things Marketers Should NOT Do

Jun 1, 2019 by David Day

For more than 25 years now, I’ve seen marketers come and go. Some are professionally trained and experienced. Some are not. Many are business owners or practitioners who handle their own marketing and advertising for their company. Still others are placed into the role because there’s nobody else to do it. There’s no law or regulation that says you can or can’t be the Marketing Director, VP of Marketing, Advertising or Bra...

Brand Strength

Brand Strength

Apr 1, 2019 by David Day

A strong brand is worth a ton. It can generate sales, increase profit margins, attract the best talent, and make a difference in the world. Strong brands are resume builders, money-makers, and culture influencers. They can outlast negative press, build trust in consumers, and create barriers to entry for competitors. Conversely, weak brands can’t. A brand is everything your audience thinks or feels when they see or hear you...

Five Company Killers You Never Saw Coming

Five Company Killers You Never Saw Coming

Nov 1, 2018 by David Day

“As a business owner, entrepreneur, or company leader, I have my proverbial thumb on the pulse of my company. I know when it’s doing well and when it’s not.” I remember when I used to think like that. Then there was the company that was rocking along making good money, with happy employees and a great list of clients that folded within two years. The owner said afterward, “I never saw it coming. One day we ...

Junk Floats

Junk Floats

Sep 1, 2018 by David Day

My friend Brad recently described his business situation to me over a cup of coffee. He said that just 18 months ago, things were really good. He was making very good money, and his company was highly profitable. He had lots of employees, and new business seemed to just happen on its own. His products and services were in high demand, and he charged top dollar for a great product. He had a couple of highly paid key people that were fixtures in ...

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