Five Company Killers You Never Saw Coming

Five Company Killers You Never Saw Coming

Nov 1, 2018 by David Day

“As a business owner, entrepreneur, or company leader, I have my proverbial thumb on the pulse of my company. I know when it’s doing well and when it’s not.” I remember when I used to think like that. Then there was the company that was rocking along making good money, with happy employees and a great list of clients that folded within two years. The owner said afterward, “I never saw it coming. One day we ...

Did you Waste Your Money?

Did you Waste Your Money?

Aug 1, 2018 by David Day

You were all-in with that sponsorship. They splashed your company brand all over the cover, put your banners on display, and gave you credit on the radio and online. You even got to address the audience at the podium, and you had a table front-and-center for you and your guests. You were going to be a household name to your target audience, and the phone would ring off the hook. Not so much. The phone didn’t ring, and no one was b...

Marketing Trends for  2016

Marketing Trends for 2016

Jun 1, 2018 by David Day

Yea, believe it or not 2016 is here, and the reality is that many of us have only just begun to plan our marketing and advertising for this year. No matter how hard we tried, we just couldn’t seem to make those decisions in October! Have no fear. While some opportunities have ended, others are still available to us. For the last 21 years, we’ve seen trends come and go, and just as we have learned to build our strategies around pr...

Fast Food Lessons

Fast Food Lessons

May 1, 2017 by David Day

I remember years ago sitting in a closed meeting at the corporate HQ of a major fast food company. The discussion among the leadership centered on advertising. At the time, few spent more money on advertising than this burger giant. A comment made by the company VP of Marketing astounded me. It was one of those quotes that not only captures your attention, but keeps you thinking long after the meeting was over. In fact, I still think about it tod...

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