Marketing Trends for  2016

Marketing Trends for 2016

Jun 1, 2018 by David Day

Yea, believe it or not 2016 is here, and the reality is that many of us have only just begun to plan our marketing and advertising for this year. No matter how hard we tried, we just couldn’t seem to make those decisions in October! Have no fear. While some opportunities have ended, others are still available to us. For the last 21 years, we’ve seen trends come and go, and just as we have learned to build our strategies around pr...

The Marketing Mindset

The Marketing Mindset

Dec 1, 2017 by David Day

There was a time when a business leader or entrepreneur could have his weekly or even monthly marketing meeting, make good decisions about advertising, and then turn his attention to something else until the next month’s meeting. Those were the “olden days.” Marketing today is a daily venture. It’s more of a mindset than a task. You can’t just pop in and out of marketing mode. The old way of “set it...

Small Business, Big Marketing

Aug 1, 2016 by David Day

You don’t have to be a multi-billion dollar brand to act like one. There are lots of things you can do that the big brands do –but without the huge marketing budget. Here’s what the big brands do, and you should too. 1. Focus on quality. Every successful brand has quality standards for their product, service, or both. Do you measure your quality? What passes or fails? Establish quality standards and make sure everyone ...

You Want Fries With That?

Apr 1, 2016 by David Day

You Want Fries With That? Wouldn’t life be great if people were to seek you out for you expertise? Or If they wanted your product badly enough to pay whatever it costs? People would be lined up, ready to pay you, sort of like a drive through window. If so, you really wouldn’t have to “sell.” You could just take orders. The situation would be something like this: 1. You could choose your clients / customers, rather ...

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