A BRAND new look

A BRAND new look

Jul 1, 2018 by David Day

For my twin daughters’ birthday, Sue and I promised we would redecorate each of the girls’ rooms. They were turning 16, and although their rooms were both quite cute and fairly well done, it was time for an update. “My room just doesn’t represent who I am. It’s un-inspiring,” they would say. And so, a few trips to the paint store, hours of labor, and multiple Pinterest pins later, Operation Room Makeover was co...

Brands that Build Business

Brands that Build Business

Feb 1, 2018 by David Day

Branding is a widely used but largely misunderstood term in the advertising world. Some seem to think that branding is simply “getting your name out there” or “putting your logo on it.” They believe that getting the business and closing the deal should be left up to the sales team. So, why do we see so much money, time, and energy being spent on branding?  You see company brands everywhere without a sales pitch o...

The Process of Creativity

The Process of Creativity

Jan 1, 2018 by David Day

Every business needs creativity. Whether you’re an advertising agency like mine, a CPA firm, or a surgeon—you need to be creative to run a business. Of course, that creativity may be applied differently depending upon the need and nature of your business. New ideas, processes, and solutions all begin with creativity. When we ask “What if…,” we have begun the creative process. It strikes me how many very success...

Small Business, Big Marketing

Aug 1, 2016 by David Day

You don’t have to be a multi-billion dollar brand to act like one. There are lots of things you can do that the big brands do –but without the huge marketing budget. Here’s what the big brands do, and you should too. 1. Focus on quality. Every successful brand has quality standards for their product, service, or both. Do you measure your quality? What passes or fails? Establish quality standards and make sure everyone ...

Helping Companies Invest Marketing Dollars Wisely

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