The Process of Creativity

The Process of Creativity

Jan 1, 2018 by David Day

Every business needs creativity. Whether you’re an advertising agency like mine, a CPA firm, or a surgeon—you need to be creative to run a business. Of course, that creativity may be applied differently depending upon the need and nature of your business. New ideas, processes, and solutions all begin with creativity. When we ask “What if…,” we have begun the creative process. It strikes me how many very success...

Discovering Different: The First Step to Building Your Brand

Dec 1, 2015 by David Day

Discovering Different: The First Step to Building Your Brand   Unless you’re working in covert operations for the CIA, you probably want your company’s brand to be known. You want people to do business with you, and so you advertise. Then you evaluate the results, and if it’s not working, you try something different. And the crazy circle of advertising begins. How frustrating! What if your ads could increase sal...

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