Brands that Build Business

Brands that Build Business

Feb 1, 2018 by David Day

Branding is a widely used but largely misunderstood term in the advertising world. Some seem to think that branding is simply “getting your name out there” or “putting your logo on it.” They believe that getting the business and closing the deal should be left up to the sales team. So, why do we see so much money, time, and energy being spent on branding?  You see company brands everywhere without a sales pitch o...

Marketing Strategy - Real or Counterfeit?

Marketing Strategy - Real or Counterfeit?

Nov 1, 2017 by David Day

I’ve heard that years ago the Department of the Treasury’s Secret Service did not teach their agents (the famed “G-men”) how to identify counterfeit bills—at least not at first. Instead, they would teach them how to identify the real thing. Agents would study the real designs, paper, and ink with painstaking detail so that the tiny nuances that make the banknotes authentic become engrained into their minds. Then...

Digital Media Made Simple (kinda)

Digital Media Made Simple (kinda)

Jun 1, 2017 by David Day

Nope. I’m not gonna bore you with talk about algorithms and how few microseconds it takes to deliver online advertising. I’m not even going to try to explain, even if I could, how the digital marketing world works in general. What I will do though is share with you a bit of what I have learned about digital media because you need to know. Advertising online means something very different today than it did just a fe...

Fast Food Lessons

Fast Food Lessons

May 1, 2017 by David Day

I remember years ago sitting in a closed meeting at the corporate HQ of a major fast food company. The discussion among the leadership centered on advertising. At the time, few spent more money on advertising than this burger giant. A comment made by the company VP of Marketing astounded me. It was one of those quotes that not only captures your attention, but keeps you thinking long after the meeting was over. In fact, I still think about it tod...

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