A BRAND new look

Jul 1, 2018 by David Day

A BRAND new look
For my twin daughters’ birthday, Sue and I promised we would redecorate each of the girls’ rooms. They were turning 16, and although their rooms were both quite cute and fairly well done, it was time for an update. “My room just doesn’t represent who I am. It’s un-inspiring,” they would say. And so, a few trips to the paint store, hours of labor, and multiple Pinterest pins later, Operation Room Makeover was complete.

And I am pretty shocked. The rooms both look so good and grown up. It’s like a whole new world. The girls are genuinely excited about their new abodes, and they take better care of them too. They spend more time there, study there, hang with friends there, and genuinely enjoy their new environments.

Which got me to thinking… maybe it’s time for an upgrade to my look. I liked my logo, but it was time for an upgrade. The result is a fun, sleek, new interpretation of our company brand. It’s bold and easy to see but not too imposing. It’s memorable. And simple.

And with a new logo comes our new website, just recently launched (thedaygroup.com). It’s focused on easy navigation, showcasing our work and our personality. It’s full of color, illustration, and a little quirkiness.

Interestingly enough, the same thing is happening to me that happened to my twins. I’m spending more time working ON my company, not just IN it. I’m excited about showcasing our firm, our work, and our brand. I enjoy it more, and I’m determined to take better care of it. I am seeing an increase in business activity too!

Notice above I said my logo is “an interpretation of my company brand.” If you know us (or me), you know our Day Group brand is bold, easy, unimposing, memorable, and simple. So is our new logo. That’s on purpose. See how that works?

Your logo is not your brand, but it should effectively represent it.

Now it’s your turn. Let us help you upgrade, update, and refresh your brand. We can help you make good decisions about your logo, website, and collateral materials. You’ll be excited to see how it energizes your team and creates a fresh perspective. Do it right. Invest a little and see what happens. You will be inspired.

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