The Next Thing

The Next Thing

May 1, 2019 by David Day

I’ve sort of been avoiding writing this post. While I want to address my blog followers, friends and clients here in South Louisiana, I also want to be sure that what I write is encouraging and useful for everyone. I confess that I’ve had a tough time getting to that point. The Great Flood of 2016 is an unprecedented time in our marketplace. I personally didn’t flood, but many friends and relatives did. I’ve never seen any...

Brand Strength

Brand Strength

Apr 1, 2019 by David Day

A strong brand is worth a ton. It can generate sales, increase profit margins, attract the best talent, and make a difference in the world. Strong brands are resume builders, money-makers, and culture influencers. They can outlast negative press, build trust in consumers, and create barriers to entry for competitors. Conversely, weak brands can’t. A brand is everything your audience thinks or feels when they see or hear you...

The Technology Trap

The Technology Trap

Mar 1, 2019 by David Day

Technology has changed a lot of things in our industry. My advertising firm, The Day Group, is now 21 years old, and in that time I’ve seen the evolution of technology from a small business standpoint firsthand, from fax machine to Dropbox, hard drive to the cloud, and desktop to device. Back in the day if you googled someone, you got sent to your room. A tablet was what you took when you had a headache, and an eye pad was made ...

Leadership Qualities

Leadership Qualities

Feb 1, 2019 by David Day

Passivity is rampant. True leadership is in rare supply.  But that means that true leadership stands out. If you were to ask someone what the qualities of leadership are, you may get a variety of answers. The list is long, and most would be the typical answers: strong, dedicated, brave, committed, persuasive, etc. I agree! But I think there is a deeper level of quality that makes a true leader stand out. Consider these: Lead...

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