Leadership Opportunities

Leadership Opportunities

Jan 1, 2019 by David Day

People are starving for true leadership. In the absence of it, they tend to follow anyone with a microphone, and that can lead to some pretty screwed up situations. Just take a look around you. Where do you see true leadership? Where do you see the posers? The good news is that this void of quality leadership means that true leadership will stand out. True leaders are different. They have substance. They make things change, and they hav...

Leadership Problems

Leadership Problems

Dec 1, 2018 by David Day

I remember standing next to US Army (ret) General “Stormin’ Norman” Schwarzkopf, the leader of the US invasion of Iraqi during Desert Shield, before his address to a crowd of McDonald’s agency people back in 1993. He was a big barrel-chested guy and he held command even in a suit and tie. He was jovial, full of life, and seemed approachable. I was 28, never served in the military, and on the rise in the McDonald’s ad...

Five Company Killers You Never Saw Coming

Five Company Killers You Never Saw Coming

Nov 1, 2018 by David Day

“As a business owner, entrepreneur, or company leader, I have my proverbial thumb on the pulse of my company. I know when it’s doing well and when it’s not.” I remember when I used to think like that. Then there was the company that was rocking along making good money, with happy employees and a great list of clients that folded within two years. The owner said afterward, “I never saw it coming. One day we ...

2500 Swings

2500 Swings

Oct 1, 2018 by David Day

 I love baseball season. If you’re like me, you tend to name the seasons by the sports they bring—Fall is Football, Winter is Basketball—and Spring is Baseball. (and Summer is for offseason workouts!) As a baseball guy, I have the pleasure of knowing the great Will Clark, Major League Baseball first baseman and slugger for the Giants, Rangers, Cardinals, and Orioles. In fact, I recently called play-by-play wi...

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