Junk Floats

Junk Floats

Sep 1, 2018 by David Day

My friend Brad recently described his business situation to me over a cup of coffee. He said that just 18 months ago, things were really good. He was making very good money, and his company was highly profitable. He had lots of employees, and new business seemed to just happen on its own. His products and services were in high demand, and he charged top dollar for a great product. He had a couple of highly paid key people that were fixtures in ...

Did you Waste Your Money?

Did you Waste Your Money?

Aug 1, 2018 by David Day

You were all-in with that sponsorship. They splashed your company brand all over the cover, put your banners on display, and gave you credit on the radio and online. You even got to address the audience at the podium, and you had a table front-and-center for you and your guests. You were going to be a household name to your target audience, and the phone would ring off the hook. Not so much. The phone didn’t ring, and no one was b...

A BRAND new look

A BRAND new look

Jul 1, 2018 by David Day

For my twin daughters’ birthday, Sue and I promised we would redecorate each of the girls’ rooms. They were turning 16, and although their rooms were both quite cute and fairly well done, it was time for an update. “My room just doesn’t represent who I am. It’s un-inspiring,” they would say. And so, a few trips to the paint store, hours of labor, and multiple Pinterest pins later, Operation Room Makeover was co...

Marketing Trends for  2016

Marketing Trends for 2016

Jun 1, 2018 by David Day

Yea, believe it or not 2016 is here, and the reality is that many of us have only just begun to plan our marketing and advertising for this year. No matter how hard we tried, we just couldn’t seem to make those decisions in October! Have no fear. While some opportunities have ended, others are still available to us. For the last 21 years, we’ve seen trends come and go, and just as we have learned to build our strategies around pr...

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