The Secret to Productivity - Part 3

The Secret to Productivity - Part 3

May 1, 2018 by David Day

Learning how to slow down and think it through is counter-intuitive for the American worker. In the advertising business, we have to be creative, which is impossible without slowing down and thinking it through. Yes, we’re naturally talented at coming up with ideas and exercising creativity, but truly good creative (we use that word as a noun in our biz) comes from deep, purposeful, critical thought. I do my best work when my hands a...

The Secret to Productivity - Part 2

The Secret to Productivity - Part 2

Apr 1, 2018 by David Day

Last time we talked about one of the biggest secrets to being more productive: slowing down. When we take the time to slow down and think through our task, relationship, or our life in general, we become problem solvers, idea generators, and creativity factories. When we don’t, we’re just taskmasters, using more energy than we create and growing more tired and emotionally drained. So, why don’t we slow down and think more...

The Secret to Productivity - Part 1

The Secret to Productivity - Part 1

Mar 1, 2018 by David Day

Like most of us in the communications business, you’re probably moving at the speed of life, knocking out your to-do list and moving to the next project. I can hear John Wayne in one of my favorite old movies The Cowboys: “Saddle up, boys, we’re burning daylight.” It seems there’s never enough time in the day to get it all done. Here’s a little secret that some of the most productive people in the wor...

Brands that Build Business

Brands that Build Business

Feb 1, 2018 by David Day

Branding is a widely used but largely misunderstood term in the advertising world. Some seem to think that branding is simply “getting your name out there” or “putting your logo on it.” They believe that getting the business and closing the deal should be left up to the sales team. So, why do we see so much money, time, and energy being spent on branding?  You see company brands everywhere without a sales pitch o...

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